The Programmer Disk
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Chapter 15 - Subroutines 157
What if both strings are in memory but we don't know which
segments they are in? In that case, the calling subroutine needs
to pass both the segment and the offset for both the from_string
and the to_string. Let's do this in C.
move_string ( from_string, to_string ) ;
In C, this will pass the addresses of the arrays, not the arrays
themselves. C, once again, pushes these variables in right to
left order. If the compiler is set up to move both the segment
and the offset, then the generated C code will be:
mov ax, seg to_string
push ax
mov ax, offset to_string
push ax
mov ax, seg from_string
push ax
mov ax, offset to_string
push ax
call move_string
add sp, 8 ; 4 pushes = 8 bytes
On the 8086, the low two bytes are ALWAYS the offset and the high
two bytes are ALWAYS the segment. Remember, SEG gets the segment
starting address of the named variable.
We will do the subroutine as a near routine. After setting up BP,
we will have:
to_string segment bp + 10
to_string offset bp + 8
from_string segment bp + 6
from_string offset bp + 4
old IP bp + 2
bp -> old bp bp + 0
In the subroutine we will have to move the segment and the offset
for each pointer. Luckily for us, there are two 8086 instructions
for doing this:
LDS (load DS) loads the first two bytes into the named
register and the next two bytes into DS.
LES (load ES) loads the first two bytes into the named
register and the next two bytes into ES.
If we write:
LES di, [bp + 8]
then the 8086 will load the first two bytes (bp+8 and bp+9) into
DI and the next two bytes (bp+10 and bp+11) into ES. This loads
The PC Assembler Tutor - Copyright (C) 1989 Chuck Nelson
The PC Assembler Tutor 158
the offset and the segment in the same instruction. If we write:
LDS si, [bp + 4]
the 8086 will load the first two bytes (bp+4 and bp+5) into SI
and the next two bytes (bp+6 and bp+7) into ES, loading both the
offset and segment in one instruction.
LDS and LES allow you to load the offset into any full arithmetic
register (AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, BP or SP) but you can't use AX,
CX or DX as addressing registers, so it only makes sense to load
BX, SI, DI and BP for use as pointers. The two strings will now
be addressed by DS:SI and ES:DI. DS is SI's normal segment, so we
don't need to do anything, but we need a segment override for
ES:DI. Here is the code for a C subroutine:
A C string ends with a 0 byte, that is with a byte having the
numeric value 0. It can be any length, but we need to test each
byte to find out if it is 0.
Notice that we are using (and changing) both DS and ES this time,
so we have to PUSH and POP them, just like other registers.
; - - - - -
move_string proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
PUSHREGS ds, es, ax, si, di
les di, TO_POINTER
mov al, [si] ; source to al
mov es:[di], al ; al to destination
inc si ; pointers to next byte
inc di
and al, al ; is al 0?
jnz move_loop
POPREGS ds, es, ax, si, di
pop bp
ret ; calling routine pops variables
move_string endp
; - - - - -
Basically, the only difference between this and the Pascal move
is that (1) here we check for 0 and there we had an actual count,
and (2) in Pascal we used "ret (4)" and here the calling routine
does the adjustment.
Chapter 15 - Subroutines 159
Each time that we have used the stack we have drawn a picture of
where everything is on the stack. In case you think that this is
some trivial little learning technique, I'm telling you now that
at the assembler level, if you are passing variables on the stack
and you don't make a diagram on a piece of paper of where
everything is, you are guaranteed to consistently reference
things by the wrong address. ALWAYS make a paper diagram that
includes BP, ALWAYS use EQU statements, and you'll avoid a lot of
It is now time to get more complex. Everything that follows is
more advanced, so it requires some programming experience.
Everything that follows is about C modules and recursion. If this
gets too complicated or obscure, just skip to the summary at the
end of the chapter.
I am going to give you a sample subroutine in C and then show you
where all the variables go. The following is a complete C file:
/* a complete C file - - - - - - - - - - - */
int A, B ;
static int C, D ;
extern int E, F ;
sample_routine ( G, H )
int G, *H ;
int I, J ;
static int K, L ;
A = I ; /* transfer the words around */
B = G ;
J = E ;
F = C ;
D = K ;
*H = I ;
return ;
/* end of C file - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
The only thing this routine does is tranfer the words around.
This is so you can see where things are stored and how they are
accessed. If you don't know C, the only thing you really need to
know here is that '*H' means that 'H' is the ADDRESS of an
integer, not the integer itself, while '*H' is the actual integer
that is being addressed.
For those of you who DO know C, you need to know exactly what
extern, static and static mean. extern means that it is in an
The PC Assembler Tutor 160
external file. The first 'static' (which is outside of any
subroutine) means that the data is INTERNAL to the file; it won't
be shared with other files. Variables A and B, which don't have
the word 'static' are GLOBAL and will be shared with other files.
The other 'static' (inside the subroutine) means that its address
is fixed in memory while I and J, which are not 'static' have
their addresses generated every time you call the program. Say
what? Yes, that's correct, every time you call the program they
can be in a different place. That's what allows recursion, and
you'll see how that is implemented in a second.
Here is the equivalent program in assembler:
A dw ?
B dw ?
C dw ?
D dw ?
K dw ?
L dw ?
sample_routine proc near
G EQU [bp + 4]
I EQU [bp - 2]
J EQU [bp - 4]
push bp
mov bp, sp ; set up bp
sub sp, 4 ; save space for I and J
mov ax, I ; A = I
mov A, ax
mov ax, G ; B = G
mov B, ax
mov ax, E ; J = E
mov J, ax
mov ax, C ; F = C
mov F, ax
mov ax, K ; D = K
mov D, ax
mov ax, I ; *H = I
mov si, ADDRESS_OF_H
mov [si], ax
Chapter 15 - Subroutines 161
POPREGS ax, si
mov sp, bp ; readjust sp
pop bp
ret ; a C routine so calling routine pops
sample_routine endp
This time the setup is a little longer. It is:
push bp
mov bp, sp
sub sp, 4
I and J are not in the data segment, so we need to make space for
them somewhere, and we do it on the stack. We subtract 4 from sp
to provide ourselves with 4 bytes, two for I and two for J. There
are two EQU statements that say exactly where I and J will be. We
also push AX and SI because we will use them. After this setup,
we have:
address of H bp + 6
G bp + 4
old IP bp + 2
bp -> old bp bp + 0
I bp - 2
J bp - 4
old ax bp - 6
sp -> old si bp - 8
We have created space for some variables below bp. This is
temporary and will disappear when we leave the subroutine. We do
our dummy calculations,{1} and then do the end adjustment. There
are two ways to readjust sp before returning:
add sp, 4
just adds the amount that we subtracted, so it winds up in the
same place. But the place it winds up is ALWAYS the address of
the old BP, and bp is now pointing to that, so
mov sp, bp
does exactly the same thing.
Yes, for those of you who are truly masochistic, we have -
ta-dah! - the Towers of Hanoi in assembler language.
1. And that's 'dummy' in more ways than one.
The PC Assembler Tutor 162
The Towers of Hanoi is a game with three posts and a number of
disks which have incrementally smaller diameters. At the
beginning of the game, all the disks are on post one, ordered by
size with the smallest on top and the largest on the bottom. For
five disks it looks like this:
(1) (2) (3)
The object is to wind up with all the disks on post three in the
same order. The game has only one rule: You may never put a
larger disk on top of a smaller disk.
The general solution to this problem is that if you have posts A,
B and C with N disks on post A and you want to move them to post
C, first move (N-1) disks to post B, move the bottom disk from
post A to post C, then move (N-1) disks from post B to post C.
This works out to be the optimal recursive solution. Try it out
with N = 1, N = 2 and N = 3. N = 4 is already complicated.
I won't discuss the game further or how to get the solution. If
you don't know about it, you can look it up in either Doug
Cooper's "Oh! Pascal" or Robert Kruse's "Data Structures and
Program Design".
The fact that I need to resort to such an unususl example to
illustrate recursion underlines the fundamental rule of
recursion, which is:
First, here is the solution in C:
/* the C solution - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#define MAXIMUM 9
main ()
int count ;
while (1)
printf ("Enter a number less than 10.\n" ) ;
scanf ( "%d", &count ) ;
if ( count > MAXIMUM )
continue ;
Chapter 15 - Subroutines 163
towers_of_hanoi ( count, 1, 3, 2 ) ;
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
towers_of_hanoi ( count, from, to, via )
int count, from, to, via ;
if (count <= 0)
return ;
count-- ;
towers_of_hanoi ( count, from, via, to ) ;
printf ("Move a disk from %1d to %1d.\n" , from, to ) ;
towers_of_hanoi ( count, via, to, from ) ;
return ;
Notice that by letting a routine call itself, we have reduced it
to just a few lines. And this is a problem that looks very
complex. Here comes the assembler equivalent of the C code:
; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + START DATA BELOW THIS LINE
enter_message db "Enter a number less than 10", 0
make_a_move_message db "Move a disk from "
from_byte db "X to "
to_byte db "X.", 0
; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + END DATA ABOVE THIS LINE
; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + START CODE BELOW THIS LINE
lea ax, enter_message ; count message
call print_string
call get_unsigned_byte ; count in al
sub ah, ah ; zero ah for 'push ax'
cmp al, MAX_COUNT ; too big?
ja outer_loop
; move from post 1 to post 3 via post 2
mov bx, 2 ; post 2 = 'via'
push bx
mov bx, 3 ; post 3 = 'to'
push bx
mov bx, 1 ; post 1 = 'from'
push bx
push ax ; al = count, ah = 0
call towers_of_hanoi
add sp, 8 ; adjust the stack
jmp outer_loop
; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + END CODE ABOVE THIS LINE
; + + + + + + + + + + + + START SUBROUTINES BELOW THIS LINE
The PC Assembler Tutor 164
towers_of_hanoi proc near
VIA EQU [bp + 10]
TO EQU [bp + 8]
FROM EQU [bp + 6]
COUNT EQU [bp + 4]
push bp ; set up bp
mov bp, sp
push ax
cmp BYTE PTR COUNT, 0 ; if no disks, we are done
jbe exit
dec BYTE PTR COUNT ; 1 less disk to move
; first half
push TO
push VIA
push FROM
push COUNT
call towers_of_hanoi
add sp, 8 ; adjust the stack
; print the message
mov al, FROM ; get 'from' number
add al, '0' ; convert to ascii
mov from_byte, al ; put into message
mov al, TO ; get 'to' number
add al, '0' ; convert to ascii
mov to_byte, al ; put into message
lea ax, make_a_move_message
call print_string
; second half
push FROM
push TO
push VIA
push COUNT
call towers_of_hanoi
add sp, 8 ; adjust the stack
pop ax
pop bp
towers_of_hanoi endp
; + + + + + + + + + + + + END SUBROUTINES ABOVE THIS LINE
The main routine checks that the number you enter is not too big
and then calls 'towers_of_hanoi'. After setting up BP, the stack
looks like this:
VIA post bp + 10
TO post bp + 8
Chapter 15 - Subroutines 165
FROM post bp + 6
count bp + 4
old IP bp + 2
bp -> old bp bp + 0
We make some EQU statements to define where each variable is and
set up BP. We are using only one register, so we have a single
PUSH instead of using PUSHREGS. We then check to see if the count
is 0. If it is we are done. If not, we decrement the count by 1
which gives us 'count - 1' and divide the problem into three
parts. Part 1 calls 'towers_of_hanoi' and moves 'count - 1' disks
from 'from' to 'via'. Part 2 prints a message of where to move
the bottom disk. It converts the post numbers into ascii and
inserts them in the string where the 'X's are.{2} Part 3 calls
towers_of_hanoi again, this time moving the 'count - 1' disks
from 'via' to 'to'. Assemble and link it with ASMHELP. When you
run it, start with just 1 disk, then 2 then 3 etc. If you use the
maximum number (9), it will print 511 lines. For N disks, you
need (2 ** N) - 1 moves, so this gets very big very fast.
If you still feel no need to draw a picture of the stack or to
use EQU statements, why don't you try writing this subroutine
using the actual pointer values, i.e:
push [bp + 6]
and so on. See how long it takes and see how easy it is to read
once it's done. Can you get it to work correctly?
By the way, how large does the stack get? Well, if you raised the
limit to 30 disks and entered 30, It would take your computer
about a year, running 24 hours a day, to complete the solution
(about 1 billion moves). The maximum stack size would be
((disks+1) * stack_use_per_disk). The extra 1 is for the calling
routine. That is 31 * 14 bytes (including pushing IP, BP, and
AX), or a mere 434 bytes.
2 It uses the fact that for a data declaration, a variable
name has the address of the first piece of data on that line.
The PC Assembler Tutor 166
To call a procedure you use CALL with the procedure name:
call subroutine1
Procedures may be either FAR or NEAR. If there is a mismatch
between which type the assembler thinks it is and which type it
really is, there will be an error, either at the assembler level
for internal subroutines or at the linker level for external
subroutines. You may override the default type for procedures
with PTR:
call NEAR PTR subroutine5
call FAR PTR subroutine6
This is normally needed if the procedure comes after the call in
the file and is not the default type.
To allow other files to use a procedure you declare it PUBLIC
within its own segment.
PUBLIC subroutine1
To use a PUBLIC procedure from another file you declare it EXTRN,
stating which type it is:
EXTRN subroutine1:NEAR, subroutine2:FAR
You should make this declaration in the code segment and you
should make it before the procedure is referenced.
A procedure is defined by giving a name followed by the word
'proc' (procedure) followed by either FAR or NEAR
subroutine1 proc near
subroutine2 proc far
and a procedure is ended by giving the procedure name followed by
'endp' (end of procedure):
subroutine2 endp
One procedure must be ended before another is begun.
Data is normally passed from one procedure to another on the
push variable1
push variable2
push variable3
call subroutine1
If this is done, then the called procedure references this data
by using BP, the base pointer. The standard setup code is:
Chapter 15 - Subroutines 167
push bp ; save old bp
mov bp, sp ; set bp to current top of stack
What the stack looks like at this point depends on whether it is
a near or a far procedure. For a near procedure, we have:
variable1 bp + 8
variable2 bp + 6
variable3 bp + 4
old IP bp + 2
bp -> old BP bp + 0
For a far procedure we have:
variable1 bp + 10
variable2 bp + 8
variable3 bp + 6
old CS bp + 4
old IP bp + 2
bp -> old BP bp + 0
Although it is theoretically possible to access these variables
by their pointer definition:
mov ax, [bp + 10]
It is much less error prone and much clearer to use EQU
VAR1 EQU [bp + 10]
mov ax, VAR1
If you are writing a recursive procedure and you need temporary
variables, you can allot space on the stack for these variables:
sub sp, 6 ; room for 6 bytes of temp. variables
This should be done before any other pushes are done:
push bp
mov bp, sp
sub sp, 6
PUSHREGS ax, bx, cx, dx
These variables should also be named with EQU statements, and as
always, you should draw a picture of what is on the stack:
variable1 bp + 10
variable2 bp + 8
variable3 bp + 6
old CS bp + 4
old IP bp + 2
bp -> old BP bp + 0
VAR4 bp - 2
The PC Assembler Tutor 168
VAR5 bp - 4
VAR6 bp - 6
VAR4 EQU [bp - 2]
VAR5 EQU [bp - 4]
VAR6 EQU [bp - 6]
Data which is passed to the procedure is at a positive offset to
BP while data that is created in the procedure is at a negative
offset to BP.
If you have created a data area for yourself on the stack, then
you must eliminate it before leaving the procedure. There are two
ways of doing this. One way is to add back what you have
POPREGS ax, bx, cx, dx
add sp, 6
pop bp
The other way is to give SP the value in BP because this is the
place where SP will wind up anyway:
POPREGS ax, bx, cx, dx
mov sp, bp
pop bp
Use whichever one is clearer to you.
When you return from a procedure that has had data passed to it,
the data must be taken off the stack. There are two ways of doing
this. The C standard is that it is the calling program's
responsibility to do this:
push variable1
push variable2
push variable3
call subroutine1
add sp, 6 ; 3 pushes = 6 bytes
The Pascal standard is that you take them off the stack on the
return. There is a special return instruction for that:
ret (6) ; 3 pushes = 6 bytes
Data can be made available to other files and data can be
accessed from other files. To make data available, declare it
PUBLIC variable1, variable2, variable3
Chapter 15 - Subroutines 169
To access PUBLIC data from other files, use an EXTRN statement
which includes the data type:
EXTRN variable7:BYTE, variable8:WORD, variable9:DWORD
EXTRN variable10:QWORD, variable11:TBYTE
This EXTRN statement must be in a segment which has the same
ASSUME segment register as will be used when accessing the data.
Normally this is DS, but it can be something else. For instance,
if the above EXTRN statements were in MORESTUFF and you have:
then every time you access variable8:
mov dx, variable8
the assembler will code an ES segment override.
When writing a subroutine, you should always save any registers
that you use by pushing them.
push ax
push bx
push cx
They are then popped before returning
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
In order to save a lot of lines of code, there are two macros,
PUSHREGS and POPREGS. They are designed so you may use a word
processor to copy them. PUSHREGS pushes in left to right order
and POPREGS pops in right to left order:
PUSHREGS ax, bx, cx, dx
POPREGS ax, bx, cx, dx
is a matched pair.
LDS (load DS) loads the first two bytes into the named register
and the next two bytes into DS. LES (load ES) loads the first two
bytes into the named register and the next two bytes into ES.
les si, [bp+6]
lds di, [bp+10]